Thursday, May 31, 2012

Generation at Risk

Many of today's kids may be heading toward health problems that used to be associated with adults only.

Every year, heart disease ends lives early, drains families' savings, and impacts the quality of people's lives. New statistics find that many young people are making choices that could lead to these problems down the road.

According to the American Heart Association's 2012 numbers, nearly 32 percent of kids and teens ages 2 to 19 are now overweight or obese. This puts them at higher risk of high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels. About 30 percent of high school girls and 17 percent of boys said they hadn't had 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity even once in the past week. Experts recommend this much at least five days a week. And nearly 20 percent of high school students said they smoked cigarettes.

Parents can help their kids make smart choices by making healthy eating and physical activity a family affair.

I'm Dr. Cindy Haines with health information for your entire family.


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