Sunday, June 30, 2013

Sunday Tittle Tattle

1) Dissertation Update:

2) No, that wasn’t a mistake. There is literally nothing to report. See picture of the cat – it pretty much sums up the amount of activity my dissertation notes have seen. I have done nothing. What I have done, however, is managed to buy a few [...]

mtr bear british shorthair cream cat

1) Dissertation Update:

2) No, that wasn’t a mistake. There is literally nothing to report. See picture of the cat – it pretty much sums up the amount of activity my dissertation notes have seen. I have done nothing. What I have done, however, is managed to buy a few more things on ASOS. I think I have something of an illness, unfortunately, because I don’t even remember actually pressing the button to buy the following item – I just got an email saying that it was on its way to my house.

ASOS EDun silk dress

Cute though, I hope. It hasn’t arrived yet so I’ll let you know. It was rather pricey, but I’m starting to run out of things to wear in my DailyMix videos – they need to start giving me a wardrobe budget! This dress is by Edun and costs £158 here. I think I may have justified it to myself because it was reduced from £406!

ditton light sweatshirt

3) Another purchase (theme: words of dissertation written is inversely proportional to number of pounds spent shopping online. eg: less words written, more pounds spent) but this is a beauty, I tell you! I might even snap up the one in grey! It’s a sweatshirt with fancy see-through arms and it looks really good on. It’s called the Ditton light sweatshirt and it’s £47. They do loads of different colours, you can see those here. Worth a look, actually, because the pic above doesn’t do it justice!

cucumber salad

4) One of the best accompaniments to a curry: the cucumber salad. There’s no real recipe for this, but it’s good if you have one of those kitchen mandolins that slice things really finely – it’s all in the slicing! These cucumber pieces are wafer-thin, and then they have been drenched in lemon juice (or use lime) and sprinkled with loads of salt. You can also add chopped coriander leaves, fine slithers of red chilli for a bit of colour and some very thin rounds of onion, if you like. But if you want to keep it simple, then: cucumber, citrus, salt. Healthy and delicious and really cooling if you’ve overdone the spice a bit with your main dish! If you want an easy curry recipe then take a look at this one.


Ten Easy Steps to Losing Weight

Ten Easy Steps to Losing Weight
In this article, I will share with you 10 easy steps in order to lose weight and prevent it from coming back. Think of what it would be like to be able to finally fit into those clothes that you have dreamed of wearing or to decrease the chances of developing future health problems just by dropping a few pounds. I hope that you enjoy this article.

With Access to the Full, Customized TalkChart Solution, Physicians Can Experience the Real Power of Personalized EHR

With Access to the Full, Customized TalkChart Solution, Physicians Can Experience the Real Power of Personalized EHR

SALT LAKE CITY, June 30, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- EvolveMed, an industry leader in medical technology designed to banish medical practice inefficiencies, is pleased to announce its new risk-free trial of TalkChart will be live for the entire month of July. But EvolveMed is offering physicians something beyond a standard, limited software trial. Instead, physicians will have access to a personalized experience that mirrors the unique electronic documentation software or dictation and transcription needs and workflow of each individual user, helping dramatically boost their medical charting efficiencies.

"Our biggest supporters and most vocal advocates of the tremendous benefits that TalkChart brings to medical practices have always been our users," said Andrea Jaques, Business Development Manager. "That's why we're excited to not just offer the chance for physicians to demo the software, but to really experience the full-featured, customized solution. Only a hands-on opportunity can demonstrate how innovative integrated platform will really improve their charting efficiency and workflow, and maximize the cost efficiency of their practice right out of the gate."

When physicians opt into the no-risk TalkChart trial, EvolveMed will work with them to integrate it directly into their existing EHR, and then fully customize and personalize their TalkChart implementation with complaint-specific content and custom web-based templates, shortcuts and more.

"We've designed the trial to make it easy as 1, 2, 3 to start working with the full TalkChart platform," said Jaques. "Sign up to start your subscription, customize your workflow (we'll help), and then start charting. When you take advantage of our risk-free trial, you'll have 90 days to explore and experience the effectiveness of TalkChart—satisfaction guaranteed, or we'll refund your subscription." This trial offer will be available throughout the month of July, ending 11:59 p.m. on July 31.

TalkChart was designed with the pain points of overworked, over-administrated physicians in mind. "Imagine not having to turn away patients, or schedule them months down the road," said Jaques. "Not wasting billable hours on administrative work, and growing practice revenues. A more efficient EMR, a more streamlined dictation and transcription service, and more accurate and actionable medical records can change your practice--and get you out the door on time every night."

About EvolveMed

EvolveMed is a medical documentation company focused on developing and providing unique, cost-effective charting products and services. For over 20 years, EvolveMed has delivered documentation services to thousands of physicians on behalf of millions of patients.  Since inception, EvolveMed's focus has been to identify charting inefficiencies and to create systems to banish them.


Andrea Jaques, Business Development Manager
Phone:  800-301-4901 x110

SOURCE EvolveMed


Top 5 Beauty Science news stories of the week June 30

We’d like to share a few of our favorite beauty science news stories from the past week… The brain’s pleasure response to chocolate can be measured through the eyes. Does stress cause grey hair? Women’s facial features can determine length of relationship Polypodium leucotomos: is this fern extract an oral sunscreen? 54% of pregnant women [...]

Post image for Top 5 Beauty Science news stories of the week June 30

We’d like to share a few of our favorite beauty science news stories from the past week…

The brain’s pleasure response to chocolate can be measured through the eyes.

Does stress cause grey hair?

Women’s facial features can determine length of relationship

Polypodium leucotomos: is this fern extract an oral sunscreen?

54% of pregnant women use insecticides that are harmful to the fetus.

Read the full article.

WHO wants HIV patients treated sooner to save lives, halt spread

WHO wants HIV patients treated sooner to save lives, halt spread

An HIV-infected patient displays medicine at a hospital in Payao provinceBy Kate Kelland LONDON (Reuters) - Doctors could save three million more lives worldwide by 2025 if they offer AIDS drugs to people with HIV much sooner after they test positive for the virus, the World Health Organization said on Sunday. While better access to cheap generic AIDS drugs means many more people are now getting treatment, health workers, particularly in poor countries with limited health budgets, currently tend to wait until the infection has progressed. But in new guidelines aimed at controlling and eventually reducing the global AIDS epidemic, the U.N. ...

Friday, June 28, 2013

Sell by – Past It!

Glastonbury is alive with festival goers this weekend. A friend – acquaintance maybe? – of ours is there, sharing his videos of drugs and rock’n'roll…it all looks like quite good fun really. Yet I have absolutely no desire to trudge through mud and miles of fields to stand around getting sprayed with wee from the


Glastonbury is alive with festival goers this weekend. A friend – acquaintance maybe? – of ours is there, sharing his videos of drugs and rock’n'roll…it all looks like quite good fun really. Yet I have absolutely no desire to trudge through mud and miles of fields to stand around getting sprayed with wee from the bottles people throw on stage. Maybe I am just past it?!

Which leads me nicely – or cheesily – into a ‘discussion’ about food that is past it!

My Mum is terrible for keeping food past any of the listed dates on them…she was horrified when my brother in law – who lived with her at the time – threw out a big tub of Chinese food flavouring that was three years past its date…not as horrified as he was to realise that he had been eating the stuff! I have used bread which is a bit past it, and cut the corner off a bit of cheese that was going green…I think we have all done that, no?!

There are obviously some things – such a fish and meat – that I would be very wary of eating when past their best, but given rising food costs and a focus on reducing waste, I thought that it would be interesting to see what the ‘experts’ say. According to the NHS site I looked at, every year in the UK we throw away 7.2m tonnes of food and drink, most of which could have been eaten. This figure astounds me – not because I wish to eat it all, but because I think about the dent that this makes in our pockets.

If we import some of this food then, to a certain extent, we are taking it away from countries that potentially need it for the people who live there. I remember watching a documentary about food import and export and it was quite shocking that people in many of the countries we buy our food from are suffering from malnutrition. There is of course the argument that we pay well for this food which in turn puts money in their pockets…but how much of that money do those in need get access to, and how ethical are some of our big supermarkets when pushing their buying prices down?

Anyway, I digress…sell by, use by, best before…blah, blah, blah – what does it all mean?

Use by:
You will see “use by” dates on food that goes off quickly – stuff like salad, meat, fish etc. ‘Use by’ means that the item must be eaten by the date stated…regardless of whether it looks okay or smells okay. If you ignore the use by date then you could be putting your health at risk. The use by date can actually be reduced if you don’t store the food as instructed…meaning you could risk food poisoning. As well as the use by date, take notice of instructions such as ‘eat within 2 days of opening’…this can be due to the fact that once exposed to air, the food can spoil quicker. Regardless of how long it can be kept for once opened, you still need to abide by the use by date, or else face the consequences! ;-)

Best before:
A wide range of food will have a ‘best before’ date – tinned beans, dried fruit, frozen peas. This date focuses on quality rather than safety, so even if the date has passed it doesn’t mean that the food is harmful…it just might lose flavour. As with the use by dates, those with best before dates need to be stored as instructed.

This is all pretty basic stuff though, and fairly obvious. What I want to know is will the veggie soup that I make from ‘past their best’ veggies make my stomach rumble in a not so good way?! I found a list of foods that can be kept and safely eaten past their date…I am not so sure about some…see what you think!

1 – Mayonnaise
Apparently, if stored as per the instructions, this can be eaten safely for up to four months after the date…hmmm…I don’t know if I trust that! It’s made from eggs after all – but apparently this is true. I have to admit that I rarely check the dates on stuff like this unless I open the lid and find mould!

2 – Cheese
Cheese of the hard variety – such as cheddar – is apparently safe for upto four weeks after the date, even if it has been opened…so long it is stored correctly. I can deal with this as I have cut the odd mouldy corner off cheese before…and given it to my other half – and he’s still here!

3 – Crisps

20130628-182848.jpgThese guys are so highly processed that they can be eaten long after the date…whether you should or not is a matter for your heart/head or your syns to decide! ;-)

4 – Beef
As long as it is thoroughly cooked, the date on this can be stretched for upto five days. My Mum was a butcher in her younger days and testifies that darker beef tastes better…so it’s okay as far as Mummy WLB is concerned.

5 – Pork
This one I am not so sure about…apparently, again as long as it is cooked thoroughly, pork is okay for upto three days after the date…I just wouldn’t tempt fate with pork I don’t think.

6 – Butter
This can be stored in the freezer and chunks thawed as and when you need them. This means butter can be kept for months past the date. I am not a butter consumer, but can’t really see an issue with this…in fact I have been in pubs where their little pats of butter have been semi-frozen when they’ve been served…so the ‘trade’ do it!

7 – Cereal

20130628-182913.jpgIf you leave them in boxed and open to the air, they will go stale. But if you store them in an airtight container, they will last for months past their date too.

8 – Chicken
Not fresh, but frozen! Fresh stuff needs eating pretty much according to the dates on it, but it can be frozen safely for up to a year apparently.

9 – Soft drinks
The diet stuff will last upto four months longer than the date, but the regular full-sugar stuff will last upto nine months. The difference in duration is due to the artificial sweeteners breaking down…whereas the sugar doesn’t…according to my sources! ;-)

10 – Mustard
This one is good news for my Mum too, as she always has a crusty bottle of the American stuff in the fridge…it can last for upto a year past the shelf life!

Given that I shop daily now, I suppose that I should just carry on as usual. I do however find myself throwing bits and pieces out – leftover salad and stuff – but I reckon that I could compost most of my waste. Anyway, enough ramblings about sell by and use by…let’s look at the usuals…

I need some energy, or just a good sleep, which is what I am hoping for this evening! When the alarm went off this morning I was in a bit of a strop and did not greet my treadmill with enthusiasm. Once I got started though it was all good-ish! I then worked on the project for a while, finished the exercise and headed off to see the horses. An old friend of ours was walking down the road in the village where we keep the horses, so I stopped for a chat. It turns out that she might know someone who has some winter grazing which could solve my problems…we don’t have enough land and in winter it costs a fortune each month in food and hay and straw…probably about £700 on top of the £360 we pay for the land we have. This grazing is within walking distance – a bit of a stretch for me though! – so it could be ideal as we could keep our current stables to use if the weather gets really bad, yet allow our horses to have a huge field to mooch around in winter. I am hoping to get to see this chap over the weekend and give him a deposit to secure it. After this all happened, we popped to Asda, then headed home for lunch and then I briefly caught up with my sister and the kids. Another quiet night looms…we attempted a Sky box fix, or substitute with a Freeview thing, but need a little widget which means waiting until tomorrow. So it’s more reading for me tonight!

Breakfast: Two Alpen light bars (1 x HEB) and a banana.

20130628-165558.jpgLunch: Moroccan chickpea soup with Ryvita (1 x HEB).

20130628-180934.jpgDinner: Leftover veggie bolognese and syn free chips topped with cheese (2 x HEA and 6 syns).

20130628-193556.jpgSnacks: Two packets of Snack a Jacks (9 syns).

20130628-181206.jpgMy food was good today. Lunch was another soup from Slimming World and their Little Book of Soups – delicious it was too…even though I replaced the potato with celery! It was a tin of chickpeas and a tin of tomatoes, mixed with red onion and spring onion, red (kind of orange actually!) pepper, celery, harissa paste, garlic, and a herb stock pot with a bit of water added. Dinner was left over veggies from last night with a pile of syn free chips – I was really hungry and needed to prevent late night tantrums so decided to have more chips. And yes, I had loads of cheese…two Healthy Extras worth and some syns!

Exercise: 4 x 15 minute treadmill session, 1 x 15 minute BodyPump and boxing session.

Another good exercise day…hard work, but good. The Swiss Ball really makes the weights and boxing feel harder. I could hardly lift my poor old arms afterwards!

Thanks for reading guys, and have a wonderful weekend.

Weight Loss Bitch xxx

For complete story, click here.

Ritalin may treat cocaine addiction

The common ADHD drug Ritalin may help improve brain functional connectivity in cocaine addiction. Continue reading...

Roger Simpson, MD, MBA, FACS, Invited To Present Three Papers At Harvard's 2013 International Facial Nerve Symposium

Roger Simpson, MD, MBA, FACS, Invited To Present Three Papers At Harvard's 2013 International Facial Nerve Symposium

GARDEN CITY, N.Y., June 28, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Roger Simpson, MD, FACS, President and a partner at Long Island Plastic Surgical Group (LIPSG) and director of the burn center at the Nassau University Medical Center, has been invited to present three papers at the International Facial Nerve Symposium at Harvard University, from June 30 to July 2, 2013, with plastic surgeons from all over the world expected to attend. 

The papers to be presented are:

  1. Outcome of the smile in facial paralysis reanimation - An objective evaluation of post surgical results grading facial movement
  2. Contiguous temporalis and masseter muscle transfer for reanimation of the smile in facial paralysis
  3. Correction of the lower eyelid in facial paralysis - a function of orbital anatomy

According to Dr. Simpson, who is fortunate to have three papers selected, "The Harvard symposium is a meeting of physicians, therapists and psychologists, all dedicated to the patient with acquired and congenital facial paralysis. The three lectures will present surgical techniques for reanimating the paralyzed smile and eyelids with reproducible and long standing results. One presentation will propose a grading system to classify the results of facial paralysis reanimation after surgery, something not yet consistently accepted."

Dr. Simpson went on to add: "Techniques and treatments from all over the world are shared for the betterment of the patient. Few specialists in the country concentrate in this field."

Dr. Simpson has been the director of the residency training program in plastic and reconstructive surgery at Nassau University Medical Center (NUMC) for the last 20 years.  He is also the chief of plastic and reconstructive surgery, director of the burn center and chief of the hand surgery service at NUMC.  Dr. Simpson is an assistant professor of clinical surgery at the State University of New York at Stony Brook.  Dr. Simpson also directs LIPSG's Center for Facial Paralysis where he provides state-of-the-art, life-altering surgery to restore function to patients' paralyzed facial nerves caused by stroke, disease or traumatic injury.  Dr. Simpson also focuses on burn reconstruction and hand surgery as well as performing general plastic and reconstructive surgery.

About Long Island Plastic Surgical Group
For 65 years, Long Island Plastic Surgical Group has been dedicated to providing compassionate and comprehensive care, while pioneering and performing the most advanced reconstructive and cosmetic surgical procedures. As the largest and longest running private academic plastic surgical practice in the nation, LIPSG surgeons have more than 250 years of combined experience as leaders and innovators in the field. The size of the practice and diversity of expertise is reflected in its 10 specialty centers: Skin Care and Age Management; Non-invasive and Surgical Facial Rejuvenation; Pediatric Plastic and Craniofacial Surgery; Facial Reanimation and Peripheral Nerve Repair; Microsurgery and Hand Reconstruction; Breast and Body Cosmetic Surgery; Burns and Complex Wound Management; Breast Reconstruction Surgery; Post-Weight Loss Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery; and Migraine Treatment. For more information about LIPSG, visit

SOURCE Long Island Plastic Surgical Group



Focus T25 Workout - Shaun T's And Beachbody's Revolutionary Fitness Program

Focus T25 Workout - Shaun T's And Beachbody's Revolutionary Fitness Program
Focus T25 is the latest program from Beachbody created by Shaun T. What makes it so spectacular is that with this workout it only takes twenty-five minutes a day for ten weeks to get a ripped body.

Hospitals seek high-tech help for hand hygiene

Hospitals seek high-tech help for hand hygiene

In this Thursday, June 20, 2013 photo, Theresa Gratton, infection prevention coordinator at St. Mary's Health Center, wears a device to help remind health care workers to keep their hands clean at the hospital in Richmond Heights, Mo. In the past, hospitals have mostly relied on education, threats of discipline and reports from observers to try and make sure staff keep their hands clean but St. Mary's began testing the device about a year ago and officials say they've been stunned by how well the system works.(AP Photo/Jeff Roberson)RICHMOND HEIGHTS, Mo. (AP) — Hospitals have fretted for years over how to make sure doctors, nurses and staff keep their hands clean, but with only limited success. Now, some are turning to technology — beepers, buzzers, lights and tracking systems that remind workers to sanitize, and chart those who don't.

Soligenix Completes Phase 1 Clinical Study with SGX203 for the Treatment of Pediatric Crohn's Disease

Soligenix Completes Phase 1 Clinical Study with SGX203 for the Treatment of Pediatric Crohn's Disease

PRINCETON, N.J., June 28, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Soligenix, Inc. (OTCQB: SNGX) (Soligenix or the Company), a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company focused on developing products to treat inflammatory diseases and biodefense countermeasures where there remains an unmet medical need, announced today that it has enrolled and treated all patients in the Phase 1 Study BDP-PCD-01; the first clinical study for development of SGX203 (oral beclomethasone 17,21-dipropionate or oral BDP) for the treatment of pediatric Crohn's disease.  The SGX203 development program has previously received Fast Track and Orphan Drug designations from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for oral BDP as a treatment for pediatric Crohn's disease.

The objective of Study BDP-PCD-01, entitled "A Phase 1 Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Study of Oral Beclomethasone 17,21-Dipropionate (BDP) in Healthy Adolescents and Young Adults", was to further characterize the pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) profile of the Company's unique proprietary oral BDP formulation.  The study in healthy male and female adolescents and young adults provided important complementary data to that previously obtained, to enable the refinement of the PK model that is fundamental to the pediatric Crohn's disease development program.  In addition, the study confirmed the safety profile observed in all previous clinical studies with oral BDP.

This study enrolled 24 subjects between the ages of 18-22, with all assessments completed in May 2013. Preliminary PK results indicate that the PK profile in this population is consistent with the profile established in previous studies in a broader population and supports a convenient twice a day dosing regimen.  SGX203 administration (6 mg BDP twice daily over 7 days) was found to be safe and well-tolerated.

"We have designed this program in collaboration with an expert in PK modeling and simulation, Jeffrey S. Barrett, PhD, FCP, from The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia," stated Kevin J. Horgan, MD, Senior Vice President & Chief Medical Officer of Soligenix. "The PK data generated from this study will be used to refine the PK model we have established with Dr. Barrett.  The refined model will provide the justification for limited PK sampling in the subsequent Phase 2/3 pediatric clinical study and will help inform the dose selection for the Phase 3 component of the study. The use of PK data in this way reflects the current state of the art in pediatric drug development, leveraging the maximum amount of information from the enrolled subjects."

About Pediatric Crohn's Disease

Crohn's disease is an ongoing disorder that causes inflammation of the GI tract. Crohn's disease can affect any area of the GI tract, from the mouth to the anus, but it most commonly affects the lower part of the small intestine, called the ileum. The swelling caused by the disease extends deep into the lining of the affected organ. The swelling can induce pain and can make the intestines empty frequently, resulting in diarrhea. Because the symptoms of Crohn's disease are similar to other intestinal disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis, it can be difficult to diagnose. People of Ashkenazi Jewish heritage have an increased risk of developing Crohn's disease.

Crohn's disease can appear at any age, but it is most often diagnosed in adults in their 20s and 30s. However, approximately 30% of people with Crohn's disease develop symptoms before 20 years of age. It is estimated, based upon review of historic published studies and reports and an interpolation of data on the incidence of Pediatric Crohn's disease, that Pediatric Crohn's disease is a subpopulation of approximately 80,000 patients in the US with a comparable number in Europe. Crohn's disease tends to be both severe and extensive in the pediatric population and a relatively high proportion (~40%) of pediatric Crohn's patients have involvement of their upper gastrointestinal tract.

Crohn's disease presents special challenges for children and teens. In addition to bothersome and often painful symptoms, the disease can stunt growth, delay puberty, and weaken bones. Crohn's disease symptoms may sometimes prevent a child from participating in enjoyable activities. The emotional and psychological issues of living with a chronic disease can be especially difficult for young people.

About SGX203

SGX203 contains BDP, a highly potent, topically active corticosteroid that has a local effect on inflamed tissue. BDP has been marketed in the US and worldwide since the early 1970s as the active pharmaceutical ingredient in inhalation products for the treatment of patients with allergic rhinitis and asthma. SGX203 is a two tablet delivery system of BDP specifically designed for oral use that allows for administration of immediate and delayed release BDP throughout the small bowel and the colon.  The FDA has previously awarded SGX203 Orphan Drug designation for the treatment of pediatric Crohn's disease as well as Fast Track designation. 

About Soligenix, Inc.

Soligenix is a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company developing products to treat serious gastrointestinal diseases where there remains an unmet medical need, as well as developing several biodefense vaccines and therapeutics. Soligenix is developing proprietary formulations of oral BDP (beclomethasone 17,21-dipropionate) for the prevention/treatment of gastrointestinal disorders characterized by severe inflammation, including pediatric Crohn's disease (SGX203), acute radiation enteritis (SGX201) and chronic Graft-versus-Host disease (orBec®), as well as developing its novel innate defense regulator (IDR) technology for the treatment of oral Mucositis (SGX942).     

Through its BioDefense Division, Soligenix is developing countermeasures pursuant to the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) Strategic Plan of 2011-2016 for inclusion in the US government's Strategic National Stockpile. Soligenix's lead biodefense products in development are a recombinant subunit vaccine called RiVax™, which is designed to protect against the lethal effects of exposure to ricin toxin and VeloThrax™, a vaccine against anthrax exposure. RiVax™ has been shown to be well tolerated and immunogenic in two Phase 1 clinical trials in healthy volunteers. Both RiVax™ and VeloThrax™ are currently the subject of a $9.4 million National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) grant supporting development of Soligenix's new vaccine heat stabilization technology known as ThermoVax™. Soligenix is also developing OrbeShield™ for the treatment of gastrointestinal acute radiation syndrome (GI ARS) under a $600,000 NIAID Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant. OrbeShieldTM has previously demonstrated statistically significant preclinical survival results in two separate canine GI ARS studies funded by the NIH.  Recently, Soligenix announced a worldwide exclusive collaboration with Intrexon Corporation that will focus on the joint development of a treatment for Melioidosis, a high priority biothreat and an area of unmet medical need.

For further information regarding Soligenix, Inc., please visit the Company's website at

This press release contains forward-looking statements that reflect Soligenix, Inc.'s current expectations about its future results, performance, prospects and opportunities, including but not limited to, potential market sizes, patient populations and clinical trial enrollment.  Statements that are not historical facts, such as "anticipates," "estimates," "believes," "intends," "potential," or similar expressions, are forward-looking statements.  These statements are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results in future periods to differ materially from what is expressed in, or implied by, these statements.  Soligenix cannot assure you that it will be able to successfully develop, achieve regulatory approval for or commercialize products based on its technologies, particularly in light of the significant uncertainty inherent in developing vaccines against bioterror threats conducting preclinical and clinical trials of vaccines, obtaining regulatory approvals and manufacturing vaccines, that product development and commercialization efforts will not be reduced or discontinued due to difficulties or delays in clinical trials or due to lack of progress or positive results from research and development efforts, that it will be able to successfully obtain any further funding to support product development and commercialization efforts, including grants and awards, maintain its existing grants which are subject to performance, enter into any biodefense procurement contracts with the US Government or other countries, that it will be able to compete with larger and better financed competitors in the biotechnology industry, that changes in health care practice, third party reimbursement limitations and Federal and/or state health care reform initiatives will not negatively affect its business, or that the US Congress may not pass any legislation that would provide additional funding for the Project BioShield program.  These and other risk factors are described from time to time in filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including, but not limited to, Soligenix's reports on Forms 10-Q and 10-K.  Unless required by law, Soligenix assumes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements as a result of new information or future events.

SOURCE Soligenix, Inc.



Ritalin may treat cocaine addiction

The common ADHD drug Ritalin may help improve brain functional connectivity in cocaine addiction. Continue reading...

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Special Offer: Pai Age Confidence Oil

For the past month, Pai Skincare have been teaming up with bloggers to bring their customers brilliant deals and the time has come for my own offer. For a week from today, Pai will be giving away a full-size Echium Eye Cream with every purchase of their new wonder oil, the Age [...]

face oil beauty review

For the past month, Pai Skincare have been teaming up with bloggers to bring their customers brilliant deals and the time has come for my own offer. For a week from today, Pai will be giving away a full-size Echium Eye Cream with every purchase of their new wonder oil, the Age Confidence Oil. Now if you’ve been following for a while, you’ll have heard me talk about the Echium Eye Cream a lot (it’s one of my top ten face products, in fact!) but you might not know so much about the Age Confidence Oil. Here’s a little rundown of its powerful beauty benefits:

It’s a ten-oil blend including Kukui Oil for an intensive hit of Omegas 3 and 6, Sea Buckthorn Oil for the antioxidant fix and Argan Oil to heal and replenish the skin.

Contains plant Squalene to help lock in moisture and help to prevent water loss.

Contains powerful anti-inflammatories to help protect skin from the ageing effects of irritation.

In other words, this oil is a supercharged powerhouse of plant actives, vitamins and nutrients, all working together to keep the skin protected, hydrated and de-stressed. The de-stress part is very important, I think, and this is one of the things that I think Pai do best; it’s all very well bunging on active-this and active-that, but if it’s aggravating your skin then you’re actually doing more harm than good. If you’ve the type of skin that flares up at just about everything then it’s difficult to find products that are both calming and effective, but I think that Pai offer some really great solutions. Their eye cream is one of the only products that I can use on my undereye area when I’ve been on a beauty shoot – it instantly soothes the skin and just feels very pure and natural.

pai echium eye cream

The Age Confidence oil obviously has quite a different feel – it’s an oil for a start! – but the same comforting, nourishing effect. I’ve been using it as a kind of “overnight superbooster” every few days because my skin has been a little temperamental in this strange, in-between weather. Because my skin isn’t particularly dry, this isn’t an oil that I would use nightly, but if you have any dryness at all then you absolutely could. And probably should! You can either use the Age Confidence Oil on its own or follow it with your regular moisturiser, depending on how dry your skin feels – you could even mix a few drops in with your moisturiser if you wanted to. I prefer to use the oil alone as a bedtime treatment, pressing it into my skin with the palms of my hands. I don’t follow with another moisturiser because my skin is combination and too much oil can send it into a frenzy, so I just pat-pat-pat and add a few more drops if I need to. Usually three drops will be plenty.

I know that many of you are already diehard fans of the Rosehip BioRegenerate Oil; that one is perfect for if you want to help repair and rejuvenate the skin. It’s a hard-working oil that helps to promote regeneration so that skin damage is repaired and it’s a great little bathroom cabinet beauty staple. If, however, you are looking for a nourishing beauty oil that’s more luxurious and nurturing then this is the one to plump for – especially for drier skin and for skin showing more advanced signs of ageing. Pai are very careful not to call this oil an anti-ageing product – the Age Confidence label, I think, is a welcome one. There’s no silly “look ten years younger” message here; it’s all about being kind to the skin as it ages and making it the very best it can be. Well-moisturised, well-fed and with good defences against all of the aggressors that can age it.

You can find the Age Confidence Oil here and if you use the code AMODELRECOMMENDS then you get a free gorgeous Echium Eye Cream (on their website here) for free. (The oil is £46 and the eye cream is worth £24. Once you use the code you’ll see that £0.01 or $0.01 will have been deducted from your order – the eye cream WON’T show up in your basket and you don’t need to manually add it! Offer runs until midnight on the 6th July 2013.)

Get the whole story here.

Is It Possible to Lose Weight Faster?

Is It Possible to Lose Weight Faster?
Pure Ketone Slim uses Red Raspberry Ketones which may stimulate the production of adiponectin, a hormone found in fatty tissue that improves the body's ability to metabolize fat. Studies have shown that people who are thin, have a higher levels of adiponectin than people who are overweight or obese. Furthermore, researchers do agree that the hormone helps regulate weight.

Latest Update on What Causes Acne Breakouts and How to Treat It

Latest Update on What Causes Acne Breakouts and How to Treat It
Misinformation on what causes acne breakouts are all over. Acne is not only about clogged pores or bad hygiene. Get the latest acne solutions. The current findings will surprise you.

Chimps to be retired from medical research

Chimps to be retired from medical research
The US has started to retire most chimpanzees from medical research.

C-Section Rates Still High But Steady

C-Section Rates Still High But Steady
After a 13-year climb, C-section rates appear to be leveling off in the U.S., according to a new national study. Roughly one in three American singletons is born by C-section, according to the study — up 60 percent from the most recent low in 1996....        

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

U.S. Census Bureau Daily Feature for June 27

U.S. Census Bureau Daily Feature for June 27

WASHINGTON, June 27, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Following is the daily "Profile America" feature from the U.S. Census Bureau:



Profile America — Thursday, June 27th.  One of the perennial pests of summer is mosquitoes.  While most people think of them as inconvenient, there is a deadly side to these flying insects, in the form of West Nile Virus and malaria.  That's why this is National Mosquito Control Awareness Week, to honor those working to eradicate the menace.  Worldwide, malaria has been historically one of the deadliest killers.  Recent figures show 219 million cases and 655,000 deaths globally in a year.  In the U.S., there are close to 1,500 new cases reported annually, usually among people who contracted the disease outside the U.S.  You can find more facts about America's people, places and economy from the American Community Survey at

World Health Organization
Statistical Abstract of the United States 2012, t. 184

Profile America is produced by the Center for New Media and Promotions of the U.S. Census Bureau. These daily features are available as produced segments, ready to air, on a monthly CD or on the Internet at (look for "Multimedia Gallery" by the "Newsroom" button). 

SOURCE U.S. Census Bureau



Rise in surgery for early prostate cancer

The proportion of US men with early prostate cancer who received robotic surgery increased between 2004 and 2009, according to a new study. You can get the whole story here.

Anja Kroencke for MAC Illustrated Collection for Summer 2013

I’m swooning over these two new MAC Makeup Bags ($36 USD / $43 CAD) with illustrations by artist Anja Kroencke from the new MAC Illustrated Collection for Summer 2013 (see the entire collection here). Available July 2, 2013. Which one is your favorite? Copyright © Beautezine, 2013. | Original Post | No comment | Twitter [...]
Anja Kroencke for MAC Illustrated Collection for Summer 2013

I’m swooning over these two new MAC Makeup Bags ($36 USD / $43 CAD) with illustrations by artist Anja Kroencke from the new MAC Illustrated Collection for Summer 2013 (see the entire collection here).

Available July 2, 2013. Which one is your favorite?

MAC Illustrated Bag 1 by Anja Kroencke

MAC Illustrated Bag 1 by Anja Kroencke

MAC Illustrated Bag 2 by Anja Kroencke

MAC Illustrated Bag 2 by Anja Kroencke

Copyright © Beautezine, 2013. | Original Post | No comment | Twitter | Facebook
Categories: Daily Beauty
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Read the full article.

When Friends Do Not Understand

When Friends Do Not Understand
I had a person ask me what to do about the fact that her friends just did not seem to understand her weight loss efforts. She said that they told her things like, “Just live a little,” or “One good meal won’t hurt,” or “You are no fun anymore.” That hurts. That’s frustrating. That’s annoying. � Continue Reading...

When friends do not understand <a target=weight loss" src="" width="575" height="450" />

I had a person ask me what to do about the fact that her friends just did not seem to understand her weight loss efforts. She said that they told her things like, “Just live a little,” or “One good meal won’t hurt,” or “You are no fun anymore.”

That hurts. That’s frustrating. That’s annoying.

I had friends react in a variety of ways to my successful weight loss. (Remember that most of my friends at the time had seen me attempt to lose weight a bunch of times already.) While I did not share my weight loss plans with many people at first, once the weight loss became obvious, I got a lot of grief.

Some friends secretly told John that I wasn’t eating enough and that he should do something about it. Other friends tried to get me to taste their culinary creation because I was becoming a boring guest. Still others deliberately sabotaged me by dropping off cookies or a big piece of cake at the house “for a treat.”

At first I got really annoyed with all of them but tried not to show it. I’d tell them no in the very polite “southern” way that we use around here. That sounded something like this: “Thank you soooo much, but I really don’t want any right now. I appreciate you thinking of me though.” (Read that with a slight southern accent and you’ve got the idea.)

As time went on, I gave up on the southern niceties and just told them a curt, “No thanks.” I did not tell them to “Back Off” but that was the implication and they got the message. That stopped a lot of the sabotage and little comments pretty quickly. It also helped me weed out true friends from the not so true ones.

Only you can decide how to handle friends who do not “get” your desire to lose weight and eat a healthy diet. For me, continually saying no eventually sent a clear message to my friends that I was in this for the long haul, that I was finally serious about losing weight, and that no amount of chocolate cake could dissuade me from my diet plan.

I have known people who felt that the best way to handle friends who do not understand is to take each friend aside and give them the “back off” talk. I never felt comfortable doing that, although it would probably have sent the message more quickly than my attempting to be nice.

The bottom line for me was that it was my body, my decisions on what to eat or not eat, and my life. Some friends got it and we stayed friends and some really never understood. I’m sure there were some underlying issues with jealousy or judgment there, but that’s a topic for another post.

What’s your advice for dealing with friends who do not understand? Have you ever seen friends move away from you because of your food choices? Diane
