Thursday, April 4, 2013

Your Hairline and Your Heart

Your Hairline and Your Heart

If you're a guy could your hairline be connected to your heart health?

Japanese researchers analyzed six large studies on male pattern baldness and coronary heart disease including nearly 37,000 men.

Three of the studies tracked the health of balding men for more than a decade. According to that data, participants who lost most of their hair on the top and crown of the head were 32% more likely to develop coronary artery disease compared to those who still had a full head of hair

Analysis of the other three studies found the same connection, where men with vertex balding were 70% more likely to have heart disease.

In all cases, severely balding men under the ages of 55 to 60 were most likely to develop cardiac problems, while a receding hairline was not linked to any increased risk.

The researchers say more investigation is needed to determine possible causes for the association between baldness and coronary heart disease.

I'm Dr. Cindy Haines of HealthDay TV with the news doctors are reading, health news for healthier living.


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