Wednesday, April 11, 2012

How To Get Rid Of A Pimple - Simple Steps

How To Get Rid Of A Pimple - Simple Steps
Pimples or acne are inflammations which occur on the skin. It is often accompanied by swelling and redness. Here are some simple methods on how to get rid of a pimple. It's important to remember that pimples have to be treated with patience and one should not expect overnight miraculous results. The first method on how to get rid of a pimple fast is to give over the counter medication a shot. Oxy 5 is a particular product which is highly recommended by skin care experts. One of the key ingredients in Oxy 5 is benzoyl peroxide which has the ability to destroy harmful bacteria and fungus living on your skin. The only downside of Oxy 5 is the drying effects which causes your skin to feel rather stiff. If this happens, cut down the dosage of Oxy 5 applied.

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