Monday, February 20, 2012

All About Stretch Mark Creams

Stretch marks are common with pregnant women. After four months of pregnancy, you should be able to see them. This is the stage when the abdomen has enlarged. These streaks will remain after the delivery of the baby. If you think stretch marks only affect women, then you are wrong. Men who have lose or gain weight abruptly are likely to have these awful looking stripes. The ugly lines are a form of scarring. It is due to the failure of the skin to respond to the excessive stretching. This also shows that the elasticity of skin has expired.

One of the most commonly used ingredient in stretch mark removal creams is Tretinoin. It seems that new stretch marks respond better to it than white ones. But, there have been any safety studies done on Tretinoin for women who are expecting or breastfeeding.

Get the rest of All About Stretch Mark Creams here.

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