Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Is Lasik Surgery For Everybody With Poor Eyesight?

Is Lasik Surgery For Everybody With Poor Eyesight?

According to many Phoenix Lasik centers, Lasik surgery is one of the health miracles of our time. Today, if you have poor eyesight, you have more options than ever before. Glasses, contact lenses, and even astigmatism contacts are all available. But, the option that millions of people have chosen to take over the last decade is Lasik.

Lasik releases you from dependence on needing an external object such as glasses or contact lenses in order to see. But is laser eye surgery for everyone?

There are, essentially, four groups of people who should avoid having laser eye surgery:

1) Teenagers age 18 and under – at this age the eyes are still changing. If a kid is nearsighted or farsighted, odds are that the vision error has not yet stabilized. And until it does, any eye surgery is almost certain to end up badly.

2) People whose eyes are still changing – people age at different rates. And, sometimes, even after a person is out of their teens, the eyes continue to change. A good optometrist will monitor your eyes, and if a significant change in your eyes has taken place within a two year period, he will recommend that you not have the surgery.

3) People who expect perfect vision – Lasik surgery can often give you perfect 20/20 vision. But it is not a guarantee. The surgery will almost certainly improve your eyesight. And, it may result in your being able to go without your glasses 70-90% of the time. Therefore, the best attitude to to into surgery with is to expect an improvement in your eyesight, but not perfection.

4) People with certain medical problems – there are some medical problems that will rule you out for surgical consideration. a good operating surgeon will interview you for these medical conditions to determine if you are a good candidate for the operation.

Last modified February 28, 2012
Author 5341 > has blogged 1 times

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Tags: astigmatism, contact lenses, Lasik surgery, phoenix lasik

Source: www.articlenotices.com

Saturday, February 25, 2012

VVA to VA: Make Agent Orange Aircraft Crews Eligible for Care and Disability Compensation

VVA to VA: Make Agent Orange Aircraft Crews Eligible for Care and Disability Compensation

WASHINGTON, Feb. 25, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- "Vietnam Veterans of America holds true that crews who flew the C-123K aircraft contaminated with Agent Orange should be acknowledged by your department to have been exposed to this herbicide, and that those crew members who are afflicted with any of the maladies the VA considers presumptive to service connection ought to be eligible for health care and, when warranted, disability compensation," wrote John Rowan, National President of VVA, to General Eric K. Shinseki, Secretary of Veterans Affairs.

Citing the strong language from Dr. Thomas Sinks, Deputy Director of the CDC's Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, in acknowledging the contamination and the crews' exposure, Rowan noted, "This directly challenges the VA's contention that, although the aircraft 'may' have been contaminated by dioxin, there was little likelihood of any harmful exposure."

Acknowledging that, far too often, the VA has taken an adversarial stance concerning invisible wounds of war suffered by too many of our veterans, rather than acting as an advocate on behalf of these men and women, Rowan stated, "It is time for the VA to acknowledge what the U.S. Air Force has already certified, that there is enough evidence these aircraft were, in fact, heavily contaminated, and that those crew members afflicted with illnesses the VA recognizes as service-connected presumptive ought to be eligible for health care as well as disability compensation."

"We bring this to your attention," stated Rowan in his letter to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, "because we hope your good offices might ask for a reevaluation of your department's stance in this matter."

SOURCE Vietnam Veterans of America

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Source: www.prnewswire.com

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Government Rule Designed to Limit CT Scans in ERs Is Unreliable, Invalid and Inaccurate, Says ACEP

Government Rule Designed to Limit CT Scans in ERs Is Unreliable, Invalid and Inaccurate, Says ACEP

WASHINGTON, Feb. 23, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- A new imaging efficiency measure developed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to reduce CT scans in emergency departments does not accurately determine which hospitals are performing CT scans inappropriately, according to a new study published online today in Annals of Emergency Medicine ("Assessment of Medicare's Imaging Efficiency Measure for Emergency Department Patients with Atraumatic Headache"). 

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20100616/DC22034LOGO-d )

"The measure, OP-15, was only 17 percent accurate in assessing which patients should receive a CT scan," said lead study author Jeremiah Schuur, MD, FACEP of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, Mass.  "Furthermore, hospitals' performance on the new measure as reported by CMS did not match the proportion of CTs with a documented clinical indication.  By using it, Medicare runs the risk of publicizing inaccurate information about clinical performance and rewarding hospitals based on unreliable data."

Dr. Schuur and colleagues at 21 hospitals reviewed medical records for 748 headache patients whom CMS labeled as having undergone an inappropriate brain CT.  Of those patients, 83 percent should not have been labeled as inappropriate based on either ACEP clinical policy guidelines or expert consensus standards.  The measure uses Medicare billing records to determine whether a CT was clinically appropriate. When the patients' medical records were reviewed, they showed that 65 percent of the CT scans actually complied with Medicare's measure and another 18 percent of patients had valid reasons for the CTs documented on their charts.

"It is important for physicians, hospitals and payers to develop systems to make sure that every CT that is performed is appropriate," said Dr. Schuur. "There are not evidence-based guidelines addressing which older adults with headaches can safely be evaluated without a CT."

CMS plans to publish the data from measure OP-15 on their internet site Hospital Compare.

"This could have the unintended consequence of pressuring physicians not to order otherwise appropriate CT scans in order to bolster their hospitals' performance on the CMS measure," said David Seaberg, MD, FACEP, president of the American College of Emergency Physicians.  "This has potential to put seniors – who are the most likely to have dangerous causes of headaches – at risk if serious conditions are missed."

Annals of Emergency Medicine is the peer-reviewed scientific journal for the American College of Emergency Physicians, a national medical society. ACEP is committed to advancing emergency care through continuing education, research, and public education. Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, ACEP has 53 chapters representing each state, as well as Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia. A Government Services Chapter represents emergency physicians employed by military branches and other government agencies. For more information visit www.acep.org.

Related Links:
Annals of Emergency Medicine

To subscribe to Annals of Emergency Medicine RSS feeds: http://www.acep.org/xmlfeeds/rss.aspx?cid=8

SOURCE American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP)

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Source: www.prnewswire.com

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

How A Phlebotomist Salary May Offer You More

How A Phlebotomist Salary May Offer You More

As more and more people age these days, it follows that there will be a higher demand for medical workers who can assist in taking care of our senior citizens. For one, a phlebotomist whose job is to obtain blood for laboratory analysis, can count on a steady employment. This is why there are more people who are interested to enter the field and find out how much a phlebotomist salary amounts to.

The US Bureau of Labor statistics state that the demand for phlebotomists will increase steadily over the next decade. They are also called clinical laboratory technicians and they perform an essential task in medical diagnosis. Those who are interested to enter the field are assured of employment that can be very rewarding.

There are several factors that determine a phlebotomist salary. These may include the type of training that the individual has obtained, the number of years that he or she has worked, and the level of certification achieved. Like other health care professionals, phlebotomists get certified by passing the state exam.

There are several training centers, hospitals and commercial colleges that offer training in this field. A student may even get the training for free from some hospitals, in exchange of service after completing the program. The trainee is usually expected to work in the facility for at least a year. This is a good opportunity for those who want to enter the health care field, yet lack the funds for training. It also assures that the trainee will have a job after completing the program.

Currently, the minimum hourly wage for entry-level phlebotomists is between $9.75-$12.50. This phlebotomist salary may increase as the worker gets more experience in years. Someone who has been in the field for at least 5 years can easily earn $11.50 per hour, while those who have been in the industry for 10 years or more can even earn more than $15.00 per hour.

Government hospitals usually pay about $12.00-$16.00 per hour. Private clinics, on the other hand, usually pay less, about $10.00-$14.00. Rates are usually higher in the main cities such as Chicago or New York. This is mainly because of the higher standard of living in these areas.

Another thing that makes this profession desirable is the number of fringe benefits given to phlebotomists. They have paid vacation and sick leaves, medical insurance plans and retirement benefits. For many, this also becomes a stepping stone towards advancement in their medical careers.

One has to be willing to undergo hours of training to be prepared for this career. The next step is to pass the state certification exam. Advanced courses may also be necessary to guarantee one’s progress in this field.

Find out more about this interesting medical field and what opportunities it may lead you to. A phlebotomist salary may entice you to try this career, but that is not the only thing that you may get out of this job. You may also experience the chance to serve the aged and the medically needy.

To discover more information regarding phlebotomist salary, certification, training, and career visit Phlebotomist Certification.

Source: www.thehealthdirectoryonline.com

Monday, February 20, 2012

Health Fidelity Introduces Solution Partner Program

Health Fidelity Introduces Solution Partner Program

MENLO PARK, Calif., Feb. 20, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Health Fidelity, Inc., provider of a breakthrough natural language processing (NLP) platform for healthcare, today announced the launch of its Solution Partner Program, designed to help qualified healthcare organizations automate, leverage, and extract the value of unstructured clinical data. 

A wide array of HIT applications are fueled by clinical data, but are constrained by the limited codified content available.   Unstructured clinical data is codified through Health Fidelity's NLP platform, massively increasing usable data.  Together, Health Fidelity and its Solution Partners can tap the hidden value of narrative content to leapfrog the current generation of HIT applications in ease of development and power to address current and future needs.

"Health organizations have vast amounts of unstructured data that are currently unusable. We are making it easier for HIT vendors to harness that information," said Dan Riskin, M.D., CEO of Health Fidelity.  "The majority of physicians' narrative notes, nurses' comments and other unstructured content has yet to be utilized for analytics, presenting an enormous opportunity to improve the efficiency and quality of our healthcare system.  By offering this Partner Program to the HIT community, we can accelerate the integration and measurable benefits of NLP across the full spectrum of solutions, applications and services."

As much as 80 percent of medical information stored by healthcare organizations is unstructured and therefore unusable for extraction, automation, and analytics.  Healthcare organizations seeking ways to comply with meaningful use, ICD-10 conversion and other quality improvement requirements can capitalize on the data they already have to perform more accurate analytics, driving their performance improvement and cost reduction initiatives.  Health Fidelity provides organizations with a cloud-based platform that is adaptable and easy to integrate, facilitating the extraction and application of vast amounts of clinical information.

The Health Fidelity NLP platform incorporates MedLEE, the most accurate, reliable, and extensively validated clinical NLP engine.  In January 2012, Health Fidelity announced an exclusive license in healthcare to commercialize Columbia University's MedLEE technology, leaving the company poised to be a NLP market leader.  

Health Fidelity's Solution Partner Program has three levels of partnership:

  • Developer Partner – (By invitation only.)  This level includes the market's leading HIT companies, committed to developing solutions that extract measurable value and actionable structure from clinical data.  Health Fidelity engages with Development Partners in joint initiatives on multiple fronts, including engineering, marketing, and sales.
  • Integration Partner – This level includes companies with significant expertise and market presence in a focused area of HIT that is strategic to Health Fidelity.  Qualifying partners must have a presence in one or more of the following solution markets: Quality Analytics, Decision Support, Predictive Modeling, Care Management, EMR, Medical Management, or Billing.  Health Fidelity works with selected partners on both technical and marketing activities to help them capture first mover advantage and new revenue streams.
  • Alliance Partner – This level includes companies and organizations committed to accelerating the application of NLP toward improving healthcare quality and efficiencies. Becoming an Alliance Partner is a great way to get started, with full access to technical information, opportunities for joint collaboration, and marketing exposure.

Health Fidelity's Partner Program delivers structure and resources that enable HIT solution providers to develop and deliver high performance customer solutions that leverage the value of unstructured clinical data.  Lean more about qualifying for the Partner Program by contacting Health Fidelity at partnership@healthfidelity.com

About Health Fidelity
Health Fidelity, Inc. (www.healthfidelity.com) offers a clinical natural language processing (NLP) platform that enables HIT solution providers and healthcare organizations (Payers, Providers, Pharmaceutical Companies and Government) to effectively make use of unstructured clinical data, a valuable asset they already own or access. The company works with solutions partners to provide end-user applications built on the robust clinical data extracted and rendered usable by the powerful Health Fidelity platform. As a result, end-users can make better medical decisions, monitor and improve the quality of care, and enable R&D that will bring us to the next frontier in healthcare.

For partnership inquiries, contact Lauryn Jones at partnership@healthfidelity.com.

Media Contact
Christopher Capot
KNB Communications
203-379-8019, ccapot@knbpr.com

SOURCE Health Fidelity, Inc.

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Source: www.prnewswire.com

All About Stretch Mark Creams

Stretch marks are common with pregnant women. After four months of pregnancy, you should be able to see them. This is the stage when the abdomen has enlarged. These streaks will remain after the delivery of the baby. If you think stretch marks only affect women, then you are wrong. Men who have lose or gain weight abruptly are likely to have these awful looking stripes. The ugly lines are a form of scarring. It is due to the failure of the skin to respond to the excessive stretching. This also shows that the elasticity of skin has expired.

One of the most commonly used ingredient in stretch mark removal creams is Tretinoin. It seems that new stretch marks respond better to it than white ones. But, there have been any safety studies done on Tretinoin for women who are expecting or breastfeeding.

Get the rest of All About Stretch Mark Creams here.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Par Pharmaceutical Completes Acquisition of Edict Pharmaceuticals

Par Pharmaceutical Completes Acquisition of Edict Pharmaceuticals

WOODCLIFF LAKE, N.J., Feb. 17, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Par Pharmaceutical Companies, Inc. (NYSE: PRX) announced today that it has completed the acquisition of privately-held Edict Pharmaceuticals Private Limited, an India-based developer and manufacturer of generic pharmaceuticals. Par paid $20.5 million at closing and $4.4 million repayment of certain pre-close indebtedness.

Edict is a Chennai, India-based developer and manufacturer of solid oral dosage generic pharmaceuticals with a highly-skilled research and development team and strong product pipeline focused on niche first-to-file, first-to-market products. Edict currently has 11 ANDAs filed with the U.S. FDA.

In connection with the closing of the acquisition, the previously-disclosed lawsuit by a former shareholder of Edict, Gavis Pharma LLC, was settled by the payment of a portion of the closing proceeds to Gavis by an Edict shareholder.

About Par Pharmaceutical Companies, Inc.
Par Pharmaceutical Companies, Inc. is a U.S.-based specialty pharmaceutical company. Through its wholly-owned subsidiary's two operating divisions, Par Pharmaceutical and Strativa Pharmaceuticals, it develops, manufactures and markets high barrier-to-entry generic drugs and niche, innovative proprietary pharmaceuticals. For press release and other company information, visit www.parpharm.com.

Safe Harbor Statement
Certain statements in this news release constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. To the extent any statements made in this news release contain information that is not historical, these statements are essentially forward-looking and, as such, are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and contingencies, many of which are beyond the control of the Company, which could cause actual results and outcomes to differ materially from those expressed herein. Risk factors that might affect such forward-looking statements include those set forth in Item 1A of the Company's most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K, in other of the Company's filings with the SEC from time to time, including Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and Current Reports on Form 8-K, and on general industry and economic conditions. Any forward-looking statements included in this news release are made as of the date hereof only, based on information available to the Company as of the date hereof, and, subject to any applicable law to the contrary, the Company assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements.

SOURCE Par Pharmaceutical Companies, Inc.

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Source: www.prnewswire.com

Are Exercise Bikes Really Worth The Purchase?

Are Exercise Bikes Really Worth The Purchase?

Often known as the exercise bikes, the stationary bicycles offer an excellent way of performing exercises. They offer aerobic exercise of low impact and they are generally less expensive when compared to most other fitness machines. There are numerous forms of stationary bikes; it’s important to read various stationary bike reviews so as to make the best collection of the kind that suits you most. An example of the kinds of stationary bikes is the indoor cycles which might be often called the spin bikes. These are recommended for serious workouts and strenuous training.

Other kinds of stationary bicycles include dual action bikes that are best for the full body workouts. The upright bikes share many capabilities with the additional bicycles; they are the best for lower body workouts. The semi-recumbent and recumbent bikes present an exciting strategy for performing exercises while the user is seated comfortably on the bike.

Below are among the best exercise bikes. It is important to note that there are numerous differences among the exercise bike ratings. This notwithstanding, these ratings continue to be trusted if you need to select the best bike. There are also variations among the stationary bikes based on price, features, durability, etc. As anyone would assume, the best exercise bikes are sold at high price compared to bikes of lower quality.

Schwinn 220: this is a recumbent bike that’s scored highly in the majority of stationary bike reviews for 2011 and 2012. The bike is popular since it offers workouts which are challenging on the muscles while the user is very relaxed. It also has excellent back support. The padded seat of the bike is easily adjustable at the fore and aft positions to be able to accommodate the user’s best position.

Phoenix 96832: the most recent stationary bike ratings have ranked this stationary bike among the top. In most stationary bike critiques it is known as heavy-duty track and high performance bike. Its difference from traditional road bikes that its flywheel has about 3.96 pounds resistance. This flywheel stops the spinning immediately as soon as one halts the pedaling. The spinning is usually adjusted to one’s preferred speed by adjusting the bikes tension knob.

ProForm 290 SPX: this is the perfect bicycle for the beginners who want to take part in proper cardio exercises while at their homes. It is ranked highly in many stationary bike ratings for 2011 and 2012 especially because of its security features. Its handle bars are non-slip while its pedals have toe cages which provide enhanced stability to the users.

Stamina 4825: this is a recumbent bike which features highly in the best stationary bikes. Its features are programmable. It is effortlessly adjustable in to semi-inclined position when one really wants to engage in those exercises that strain the muscles on lower areas of the body much like the thighs, buttocks and the hips. It has excellent indicators which show among other factors the entire exercise time, burnt calories, distance travelled and the speed.

Have you been on the look for exercise bikes? Then you must read as many exercise bike reviews as possible for you to be aware on making a pick about the best exercise bikes.

Source: www.thehealthdirectoryonline.com

Thursday, February 16, 2012

FDA Evaluation of the E Cig

FDA Evaluation of the E Cig

The Food and Drug Administration, in accordance to its legal mandate has put into test eighteen (18) E Cig tubes.The cartridges were tested under two conditions which are both temperature controlled in order to identify the health risks associated with each condition used..

The first test condition involved Electronic Cig cartridges exposed in temperatures between forty and sixty five degrees Centigrade.. The second test condition, on the other hand, exposed the cartridges at a temperature of two hundred eighty degrees Centigrade. . Low levels of impurities specific to tobacco and nitrosamines were detected from both cartridges based from the results presented by the FDA..

Furthermore, the E Cig report also stated that the products contain nicotine.. According to them, the Smoking Everywhere Electronic Cigarette cartridges which are being marketed to not contain nicotine actually have the chemical in very low amounts.. Both products showed traces of tobacco impurities and nitrosamines in low levels. . High levels of DEG were also found on the cartridge. .

The FDA reviewed the contents of the Electronic Cig also found in the cartridges submitted for the study. These chemicals found are as follows:

• Diethylene Glycol. One of the cartridges was identified to contain this chemical which is known to be hazardous when ingested by humans. . However, even though the said chemical is commonly found on antifreeze, its dosage in the cartridge is only low so it is deemed safe on the system even if ingested.;

• Tobacco Specific Nitrosamines. The cartridge was identified to only contain trace elements of this chemical with a level that is comparable to those in nicotine replacement aids. . According to many researchers, tobacco nitrosamines in such low levels cannot cause cancer problems on users.;

Comparatively, the FDA found the following chemicals in regular tobacco cigarettes:

• Compared to the E cig cartridges, regular tobacco cigarettes contain 300 to 1400 times the level of nitrosamines because of the burning of tobacco, impurities, flavors and even the cigarette paper;

• There were carcinogenic chemicals found in average tobacco cigarettes that are absent in E Cig cartrdiges like Arsenic, Nitrobenzene, Polonium 20, Lead, Nickel, DD, and Cadmium.. Regular cigarettes have a total of 10,000 chemicals when burned.;

Despite of the fact that the testing procedure implemented on the E Cig cartridges have received criticisms, the very amount of carcinogens and chemicals from average cigarettes can still cause more negative effects on the health of the user. . Therefore, it can be easily said that electronic cigarette is a better option over the average tobacco cigarette. .

Based from the results presented by one of the leading health government agencies, it is confirmed that regular cigarettes pose more health dilemmas as compared to E Cig cartridges.. Even though nitrosamine content was found on E Cig cartridges, the content level is very low unlike the amount absorbed by users from their every puff on their regular cigarettes. . Though both provide nicotine once they are heated, the byproducts that they produce are still very different.. The FDA therefore states that the amount of toxic carcinogens and harmful chemicals ingested from E Cig cartridges is nearly zero as compared to those from regular cigarettes..

Do you wish to learn about tobacco smoking alternatives such as NICOCIG E Cig, a less damaging and much more socially appropriate way of getting the feeling of smoking cigarettes? For further about the E cig and possibilities; please go to the Nicocig website.

Source: www.thehealthdirectoryonline.com

Friday, February 10, 2012

The Super Aloe Vera Health Enhancer

The Super Aloe Vera Health Enhancer

Aloe vera has rightly earned a spot as one of the most popular medicinal herbs around. Many health benefits will result from the addition of aloe vera to your diet and life. The juice of the plant is what contains everything that can improve bodily functions. Even the dreaded summer-time sunburn can be relieved by massaging aloe vera to the affected area. Take a look at the front label of any skincare product and you will find many of them make it clear that they contain aloe vera. But do you know how many other benefits you can receive from this plant?

You can treat gerd with aloe vera juice by simply taking it daily. Some people even drink it as a colon cleanser! Good health is something you get and maintain by working on a variety of lifestyle habits. You have to make sure you get a diet that contains all the nutrition you need. Getting regular exercise cannot be left out either. Getting enough activity is also important for both mental and physical health. You can also feel better by taking an aloe vera supplement regularly. It doesn’t matter how you consume your aloe vera, whether taking a pill or capsule or drinking the juice. There are lots of good reasons to take it, no matter what form you take it in.

The many aloe vera health benefits have been known for hundreds of years in many different parts of the world!

Source: www.my-health-fitness-blog.com

Saturday, February 4, 2012

How To Get The Best From Yoga

How To Get The Best From Yoga

Yoga is surely an ancient art that has been refined and modified by many great teachers across the ages. It now also comes in so many different styles and techniques and various people may find different versions of Yoga more suitable for them. This is because Yoga is definitely an personal exercise routine with strong focus on looking within oneself in order to achieve personal balance and wellbeing. In spite of which individual version of Yoga you practice there are numerous of things that apply to Yoga universally as opposed to to individual branches with the discipline. If you want to get the most from your Yoga session become familiar with to understand these things and develop them into the Yoga routine.

You will find that your main time performing Yoga is put in a sitting or lying position, nevertheless the beginning of a Yoga session generally is a standard standing pose. The standing pose is regarded as the natural position for a human to locate themselves in, yet we spend remarkably little time practising standing correctly. In the event you begin your Yoga session which has a standing pose you are totally free of the stress of having to take on an unaccustomed position this also allows you to focus on other fundamentals in the Yoga Discipline. For instance you are able to concentrate on regulating your breathing and feeling the total healing benefits of each breath. The standing pose can be so natural to us that people don’t need to pay it any conscious thought and may focus on our breath entering our bodies and flowing through us. The standing pose can be beneficial to bringing the body into alignment and centring ourselves both physically and spiritually. Leonardo Da Vinci produced a famous diagram showing an ideal symmetry of the human body if it’s in it’s natural standing pose and also this position has always been the most natural for us to find our centre and balance.

The bulk of a Yoga session is put in placing our body in positions or poses that stretch and activate the body. These poses are inked gently and gradually so there isn’t any risk of injury. Many poses have numerous different levels so we can get more and more benefits from them as the body becomes more used to them. Perhaps best demonstrated by a simple forward stretch. Every time a gym teacher tells a pupil to the touch their toes the pupil is performing the same exercise whether they can reach forward and touch the ground or whether the stretch only goes as far as their knees. The only difference will be the level of incline.

The forward stretch can be another perfect example of how the natural movements of Yoga are widely-used outside of a Yoga class or session – in this instance in stretching and starting to heat up before sports or other regular activities. Most children who’s coaches drive them through a stretching routine before a casino game of football have no idea a large number of of the poses are borrowed directly from a Yoga session.

The true secret to enjoying and taking advantage of this main phase with the Yoga session is to pace it for your level. As with the child who can only forward stretch to knee level you do not need to perform the exercise in the highest level from the first-time you experience it. Find your comfort zone and then move a fraction beyond it. Then each new session try to maintain that level and push just a little further if possible.

The end of a Yoga session can also be an important stage. This stage usually has a group of restoration and restorative poses and positions that will allow the energy to flow back by your body. A good Yoga session releases suppressed energy in your body and allowing this energy to circulate freely to all parts of the body is really a critical part of gaining the absolute maximum benefits from Yoga.

Check out the web site Health.

Source: www.thehealthdirectoryonline.com

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Important Reminders on Preventing Spine Injuries

Important Reminders on Preventing Spine Injuries

There are various individuals who have experienced having problems in the spinal cord. It may be due to car injuries, sport events, tumors, slips, and violence. The main functions of the body are commonly controlled by the brain and spinal cord. The important functions in the body will be affected when the spinal cord is damaged. It may cause the loss of feeling on the parts of the body, or even lead to the death of the person.

The incidence of spinal cord injuries can be reduced by means of precautionary measures. Vehicular accidents are one of the major causes of spinal cord injuries. It is very important that seatbelts are always worn when using a car. It is advocated for all the individuals most especially with the children. Additionally, the driver must never take drugs or alcohol when driving.

It happens in most cases of accidents that the driver is under the influence of alcohol and drugs. You must always run your vehicle only at the recommended speed limit. It is vital to always comply with the policies in driving to decrease the possibilities of accidents.

Difficult sports may also be a source of spinal injuries. You have to always utilize the protective equipments when playing any form of sports. These tools can protect you from any form of injuries in sports. It is needed that you will find out all the key details about the sports that you are into. It is also needed that you follow the instructions given to you. You have to always seek assistance when you are playing these sports.

There are times where in accidents may occur at your home. The stairway at home is the usual area where you might have injuries at home. It is vital that you take out the things in the stairs that can make you slip. As much as possible, use non-slip foot wear to make you safe in the staircase. It also helps that you include bars in the comfort room so you can hold it whenever you lose your footing.

One more factor that can be the reason of spinal cord problems is having tumors. It can bring untoward effect in the body like muscle weakness, paralysis, and affects the certain body parts. You must seek medical assistance right away to fix the damage. You may seek advice from the spine doctor Plano to intervene your problem.

Get the safest and effective treatment for spinal cord injuries with the spine doctor Plano. They offer various procedures that are proven to be safe.

Source: www.thehealthdirectoryonline.com