The 12 Most Inspiring Twitter Accounts Of 2012
Can you be inspiring in 140 characters or less?
This year, Twitter surpassed 500 million users, and while tweets from such a large base are surely not all inspiring, we'd prefer to focus on the ones that are. So we decided to highlight the top 12 "tweetspiring" nuggets of wisdom received from our favorite Twitter users in 2012.
Of course we'd like to include ourselves on the list (Have you seen our #morningmantras?), but instead opted to highlight some other stars who really knock it out of the park. Scroll through the slideshow below and get ready to click "follow" -- you are sure to be inspired, uplifted and motivated.
While you're basking in the wisdom of our Tweeps, let us know: did we miss anyone? You can tell us in the comments below, or tweet at us @GPSforSoul.
Cheeky and insightful, Mike Dooley <a href="">(@mikedooley)</a> AKA "The Universe" tweets profound one-liners that really get us thinking. Plus, he's not afraid to throw a compliment our way every now and then -- something we're pretty fond of.
<a href="">"The Fire Starter Sessions"</a> author spearheaded a "<a href="">30- Day Creative Genius Challenge"</a> with us earlier this year, and her fiery guidance continues to burn. On Twitter, LaPorte (<a href="">@DanielleLaPorte</a>) often reminds us to be grateful for all the little (and great) things our universe has to offer.
Russell Simmons <a href="">(@UncleRUSH)</a> has a lot to his name, but here we're highlighting his incredible Twitter account. His tweets always manage to come at the right time -- when we're in need of a reality check, or some guidance from a wise, surrogate uncle.
<a href="">@YourPocketGuru</a> is exactly that -- a portable cheerleader who's always on your team. Go you!
Renowned Ayurvedic teacher Deepak Chopra <a href="">(@DeepakChopra)</a> tweets short bursts of daily wisdom that always get our gears turning.
Author Debbie Ford <a href="">(@Debbie_Ford)</a> who <a href="">says</a> the evolution of one's own soul is "a lifetime process" guides us on this very journey in nearly every tweet she tweets.
According to his website, <a href="">The Daily Love</a>, Mastin Kipp (<a href="">@TheDailyLove</a>) aims to blend "wisdom with style" to deliver inspirational messages for a fast-paced lifestyle. He certainly succeeds.
Simon Sinek <a href="">(@simonsinek)</a> is a self-proclaimed optimist, whose tweets make us think he's never not smiling. He's contagious!
Motivational speaker Brendon Burchard <a href="">(@BrendonBurchard)</a> supplies his fandom with astute guidance for success. When he's not tweeting from his own heart, he treats his followers with wise words from the experts (Benjamin Franklin and Albert Schweitzer are two of his recently quoted). He's a must-follow if you're after inspirational quotes.
Positively Positive (<a href="">@PosPositive</a>) is positively an account to follow: Just what you need to break through those pesky grey storm clouds that seem to appear at the most inopportune moments.
This incredibly wise duo <a href="">(@marcandangel)</a> tweets practical tips and refreshing observations that we wish we could drink.
<a href="">"Practical Genius"</a> author Gina Rudan <a href="">(@GinaRudan)</a> sends quips about being a practical genius and a powerful leader out into the Twitter universe.
For more inspiration, click here.
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