There are two undeniable facts when it comes to stress, skin care and Inclusive Health®. The first fact is that stress shows on your skin. The second fact is that the end of the year often increases the amount of Cultural Stress that people feel. So, what can you do as the year comes to a close to help reduce stress and preserve healthy skin? Here are five tips from Murad.
Tip Number One: Keep the Holidays in Perspective
While most of us love the holidays, they can also become a source of stress for people. The pressure of attending and hosting holiday events, choosing and purchasing presents, holiday travel and the general increase in social and schedule commitments can become just as stressful as it is enjoyable. Take a moment and step-back so that you can keep the holidays in perspective. The holiday season is designed to bring joy to you and others. Its purpose isn’t to drive you to stress and frustration. Think reasonably about what commitments you should and shouldn’t make this holiday season in order to ensure that you enjoy the holidays rather than stress over them!
Tip Number Two: Don’t Stress About Things That You Didn’t Accomplish This Year
Another source of stress that happens at the end of the year is the inevitable “Look at all of the things that I didn’t accomplish this year.” No matter how successful you are, the temptation each year is always to look at what it is that you didn’t accomplish. After all, we’re all our own worst critics. This year, however, choose to celebrate what you have accomplished rather than fixate on what you haven’t accomplished. Make a list! Then sit back and pat yourself on the back for all the great things you did this year.
Tip Number Three: Keep to a Budget
For better or for worse, money is a source of stress for many people. During the holidays, when expenses run higher due to holiday purchases, travel and food, that sense of money stress can increase. Take some time to set a holiday budget and then be sure to stick to it. If you set a reasonable budget and then don’t go over it, you’ll reduce and possibly even eliminate associated money stress (at least for the holiday season!)
Recommended Product: Murad Energizing Pomegranate Mask
Stay under-budget while also giving yourself an energizing, stress-relieving boost this holiday season. As a bonus, these individual-sized facial masks are also perfect to pack along for stressful holiday travel!
Customer Review
“I love the Pomegranate Exfoliating Mask, I just love the way it feels on and also when I take it off, it’s so refreshing. Thanks Murad.” sanchez06, California
Tip Number Four: Make Sure to Block Out “You” Time
One of the most important ways to decrease stress is to block out time that’s just for you. It’s particularly easy during the holidays to think that your time should be committed to making everybody else happy – kids, parents, co-workers, spouses, community friends. The list of people you want to make happy each holiday season is often very long. But it’s important that you find time for you. Find time to tune out social media, background noise, commitments and holiday rushes and instead just enjoy some time to regroup, enjoy a cup of tea and a home facial and relax. YOU deserve to treat yourself well as much as others deserve to be treated well by you.
Are You in School? Keep Midyear Exams in Perspective.
Whether you’re a teen in high school, a young adult in college or an older adult who’s gone back to school, keep midyear exams in perspective. Yes, good grades are always important, but making healthy life choices is more important. Make sure that while you’re studying you’re also getting enough sleep, eating well and finding ways to manage stress. Remember, your grades aren’t important if you make yourself unwell from stress in the process of getting them. Study hard, but take time to relax and de-stress as well.
Now that you’ve thought about it, there’s a lot of stress involved in the end of the year, isn’t there? Don’t let those reasons for stress impact your health and the appearance of your skin. Combine a great skin care regimen with good stress management and enjoy your holiday season!
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