Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Gabrielle Bernstein: When Politics And Spirituality Mix: Lessons From The Presidential Election

Gabrielle Bernstein: When Politics And Spirituality Mix: Lessons From The Presidential Election

Lately I've been checking in with many of my Spirit Junkie contemporaries about their experience of the forthcoming election. Though everyone has different opinions, one common theme that kept coming up was an overarching sense of apathy. I noticed many people so uncomfortable with the political climate that they were avoiding politics altogether. This scared me. When we become apathetic, it's a sure sign the ego has set in. In this video I share how to bring a spiritual mindset to politics. This is NOT a video on which side to choose, it's a video on making a choice.

Gabrielle Bernstein is the author of Spirit Junkie, Add More ~ing to Your Life and the forthcoming book May Cause Miracles. She is also the founder of For more about Gabrielle visit

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