Dream, dream, dream.
Watch this one-minute Fearless Living Boot Camp video to find out what my number-one unfulfilled dream is. What's yours?
How often do you let yourself dream? I mean, really let yourself go and dream BIG? Big bodacious dreams can be intimidating and so exciting. (It all depends on how you look at it.)
I want to find out what your biggest dream is. Fulfilled or unfulfilled. Come on. Tell me. When you honor your dreams, you are one step closer to making them a reality. So go on. Tell me.
It's Day 22 of Fearless Living Boot Camp. Only a week left! This is no time to hold back.
Do you have a dream to be wrapped in the arms of your soulmate? What about owning a business that helps solve a problem? Or could your dream involve finally being able to look in the mirror and say, "You are HOT!"
It could be anything. Share your dream right here.
Remember to give yourself some Fearless Living points just for giving yourself permission to share something important about yourself. Yes, after you've watched today's video, go on over to socialworkout.com/fearlessliving and give yourself some points. Is sharing your number-one dream with others a Stretch, Risk or Die for you? Add up those fearless points, because soon you could WIN!
You could win my bestselling book, Fearless Living, or you could win THREE private one-on-one sessions with me, or my kick-butt Fearless Living Training Program. And of course, you'll receive the best gift of all: BECOMING FEARLESS!
Haven't enlisted in Fearless Living Boot Camp yet? It's not too late! Really! There's a whole week left, and you would be AMAZED at how much more fearless you can get in just seven days. To join the Boot Camp and log your fearless activity, use the Social Workout-powered widget just below. If you're a Facebook member, simply click the "Connect" button. To sign up with your email, cheer on your fellow enlistees, and see all the inspiring commentary, go to the Boot Camp homepage.
Spread the word. Help your tribe become more fearless by sharing the Fearless Living Boot Camp Challenge with them today!
Let's all become fearless together!
P.S. Missed previous Boot Camp posts? You can catch them by clicking here, then just clicking the appropriate links. C'mon -- there's plenty of time to sign up and join this life-changing challenge!
For more by Rhonda Britten, click here.
For more on becoming fearless, click here.
Follow Rhonda Britten on Twitter: www.twitter.com/RhondaBritten
Source: www.huffingtonpost.com
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